
TLM Kothara Hospital


TLM Kothara Hospital


TLM Kothara Hospital was established in the year 1898.

The Central India Korku and Hill Mission started a home for leprosy survivors of the severe famine that affected the area, in 1898. It was handed over to the Mission to Lepers (now, The Leprosy Mission Trust India) in 1900. By the late 1960s, the home had around 700 leprosy patients. Gradually, the number of patients reduced since they needed shorter periods of hospitalisation, and there was an increase in outpatients. Hence, the institution ceased to be a leprosy home and started functioning as a hospital.

The facilities provided by the hospital include out-patient and in-patient services, operating theatre, laboratory service, ECG service, X-ray service, counselling, physiotherapy, pharmacy, MCR protective footwear and artificial limbs.


The hospital offers healthcare services and treatments for the following medical specialties:

  • Leprosy Treatment and Management
  • Dermatology
  • Ophthalmology
  • General Surgery
  • Physiotherapy
  • Reconstructive Surgery
  • Counselling Therapy


Outpatient Care

  • 24,178 OPD consultations provided, with 17% for leprosy.

Inpatient Care

The hospital has a 60-bedded (35 for leprosy and 25 for general) inpatient wing and provides the best inpatient facility with 24-hour nursing care and latest equipment.

  • 1,874 patients admitted, of which 31% were leprosy patients.
  • 9,732 beds were utilised, of which 78.6% were for leprosy.


  • 243 rehabilitation surgeries done.
  • 1,200 eye surgeries, including 1,058 cataract surgeries done.
  • 1,136 general surgeries done.

Support services (lab tests; X-ray, ECG, counselling)

  • 12,190 lab tests, including 1,041 skin smear examinations and 11,149 other tests done.
  • 0 X-ray imaging and 1,412 ECG done.
  • 3,058 patients counselled.

Prevention of impairment and disability (POID) in leprosy

The hospital provides patient education, physiotherapy, prefabricated splints, MCR protective footwear, etc, to leprosy patients to prevent impairment and disability.

  • 136 leprosy patients diagnosed with reaction/neuritis given inpatient treatment.
  • 172 leprosy patients admitted for ulcer management, and 185 ulcer debridement procedures done.
  • 81 pairs of MCR protective footwear manufactured and supplied to hospital patients and government/others.

Community Outreach

The hospital has a community outreach programme in schools and tribal villages. This is done through networking with the government and other NGOs. The hospital supports people affected by leprosy and members of marginalised communities and tribal’s in accessing government social welfare schemes for education, economic development, healthcare, housing, insurance, livelihood pension, etc.

A total of 1,571 patients were seen through hospital outreach activities.

Contact Details

Dr. Milind Chavan, Medical Superintendent
P. O. Paratwada
Amravati district
Maharashtra – 444 805


Phone: +91 7223 220118

How to Get There

By Air: The nearest airport is Nagpur airport, 230 km from the hospital.

By Train: The nearest railway station is Achalpur, 6 km from the hospital.