
TLM Naini Snehalaya

TLM Naini Snehalaya


TLM Naini Snehalaya was established in the year 1876. It is part of TLM Naini Hospital.

Dr Sam Higginbotham, the American Presbyterian missionary and founder of Allahabad Agricultural Institute, started Naini Leper Asylum in 1876 to take care of leprosy patients. It was a part of Agriculture Institute and Blind Home at that time. This institution served as a home for the leprosy patients who were abandoned by their families and communities, for the first few decades of its existence. In 1906, the Mission to Lepers (now, The Leprosy Mission Trust India) took over the institution. It is one of the largest hospitals serving leprosy affected people.

Total No. of Residents

  • 12 (8 men and 4 women)