
Donate for Food

Contribute for the food for the leprosy patients in hospitals.


Donate for Surgery

Your contribution can save the leprosy patients waiting for the critical surgeries.


Donate for Livelihood

Contribute for the livelihood initiatives for marginalised people in the community.

Donate for Education of Children

You can send children to school affected by leprosy.


Donate for Vocational Training

The children affected by leprosy need your help to enrol for the job-oriented training.


Donate for Protective Footwear

Many patients can’t walk due to the critical injury of their feet. You can change his condition.


Donate for Cataract Surgery

Your support can Restore Sight and Dignity for people in need


Donate for Ulcer Care

Your support can heal the wounds of those affected by leprosy.


Donate for Trisha

Trisha needs urgent assistance to aid in her recovery


Donate for Neeraj

Your support can provide Neeraj with urgent medical care.


Your generous contribution will make a difference to the lives of people affected by leprosy in India. It will make sure that they get an opportunity to be HEALED of the disease, be INCLUDED in their communities and live a life of DIGNITY.

The Leprosy Mission Trust India may allocate resources to areas where the need is the greatest.

Payment by Cheque

You can send your donations by cheque in favour of The Leprosy Mission Trust India, payable at New Delhi.

Please send the cheque to:
Donor Relations Manager
The Leprosy Mission Trust India
CNI Bhavan
16, Pandit Pant Marg
New Delhi-110 001

Monthly Donation

You can give your donation on the monthly basis. We will register your mandate with our bank and every month the designated amount will be debited from your account on your preferred date. Please contact us on or call us on +91 120 4077200 or Whatsapp +91-8860071874

Frequently Asked Questions

Every year, more than 1 lakh new leprosy cases are registered in India. The greatest need for your donation, therefore, constantly changes depending on circumstances and the economic situation in each of the nine states where we work. Some people need nothing more than a course of antibiotics to get them fit and healthy again. Others need surgery for damaged limbs or cataracts, and many more need counselling, physiotherapy and ulcer care. We also support housing projects, water and sanitation projects, child education schemes, vocational training and so much more. Leprosy is a complex disease and each patient needs a different, individualised approach. You can be assured that wherever your donation is spent, it will free a person from leprosy and change their life forever.

Yes, all donations to The Leprosy Mission Trust India are eligible for 50% tax relief under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

Thank you for your generosity! Please make your cheque out to ‘The Leprosy Mission Trust India’ and send it in to Head-Resource Mobilisation, The Leprosy Mission Trust India, CNI Bhawan, 16 Pandit Pant Marg, New Delhi-110 001.

Please tell us about a change in address or email address by writing to and The Leprosy Mission Trust India, CNI Bhawan, 16 Pandit Pant Marg, New Delhi-110 001.

We receive donations through the secure payment gateways of Razorpay and CCavenue and via cheque and bank transfers. Please note that we do not accept cash under any circumstances.

We’re sorry that you’re not happy with the service you have received. We do not view complaints in a negative light but more as a means of monitoring and improving our performance. Please contact our Donor Relations team by e-mailing us at, by phone on +91 120 4077200, or by writing to Amit Kumar, Head-Resource Mobilisation, The Leprosy Mission Trust India, CNI Bhawan, 16 Pandit Pant Marg, New Delhi-110 001.



The Leprosy Mission Trust India (TLMTI) has developed a donation refund policy as part of our commitment to honoring and respecting the financial contributions that people make to TLMTI. All donations are disbursed in a timely fashion to TLMTI supported projects to ensure that the programme objectives are met. TLMTI relies on donations to design and implement the work and achieve the outcomes with respect to education, health, sustainable livelihood, advocacy and research. Any changes in the quantum of donations adversely impact the programme outcomes. We recognize the importance of donations and want to ensure we establish appropriate principles of transparency and fairness with regard to the management of refunds.


  • If an error is made in making a donation or if the donor changes their mind, we will honour all requests for refund that are made in writing within 07 (Seven) days of the date the donation was made. The written refund request should include the details of the initial transaction including date, donation amount, donor’s name, ID, tax invoice number and the nature of the error.
  • Proof of the deduction of the donation amount from the bank of the donor.
  • Written requests for refund can be sent by email:
  • Correspondence address: The Leprosy Mission Trust India, 16 Pandit Pant Marg, New Delhi -110001
  • TLMTI will fully examine all requests for refund and endeavour to ensure that genuine errors are rectified. However, after 07 days TLMTI is under no obligation to give refunds and the decision on refunds will be at TLMTI’s discretion.
  • TLMTI will only process refunds on return of tax exemption certificate or a written declaration that the previous receipt will not be used by donor.
  • Based on the written request from a donor, amount is adjusted by TLMTI, the original donor receipt issued for the incorrect amount will become invalid and a new receipt will be issued by TLMTI for the amount of the adjusted donation.
  • TLMTI reserves the right to pass any refund transaction charged onto the donor
  • Refunds will be returned using the original method of payment – for example if a donation has been made by credit card, the refund will be credited by TLMTI to that same credit card.
  • Should an error be made by TLMTI or our financial institution(s), a refund of the full amount will be made once TLMTI is notified of the error in writing.