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A long-standing partnership – TLMTI provides specialised leprosy care in a health camp organised by...
TAMIL NADU: The Leprosy Mission Trust India’s (TLMTI) Vadathorasalur Hospital and Inclusive Empowerment Project (IEP) in Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, provided specialised leprosy services in a health camp organised by Dr Santhosh Kumar, Block Medical Officer, Thiyagadurugam block, in TLM Vadathorasalur...

TLMTI’s leprosy expertise has proved valuable when the Tamil Nadu district administration conducted a prevention...
TAMIL NADU: On October 16, the Deputy Director, Leprosy (DDL), Nagai district, Tamil Nadu, organised a prevention of impairment and disability (POID) camp for leprosy patients, at Sirkazhi government hospital. As requested by the DDL, The Leprosy Mission Trust India’s...

Empowering women affected by leprosy to be agents of change in their communities
MAHARASHTRA: The Leprosy Mission Trust India’s Women As Change Agents (WACA) Project attached to TLM Kothara Hospital, Maharashtra, organised a one-day training for eight WACA champions on WACA and leprosy. These women champions are leprosy-cured and are working for their...

TLMTI can now serve people affected by leprosy better… because of this 3D printer for...
UTTAR PRADESH: The Leprosy Mission Trust India (TLMTI) has become one of the first institutions in the world to use 3D-printed hand splints for correcting deformities caused by leprosy… and this, because of a 3D printer donated by TLMTI’s donors....

Gandhi Jayanthi celebrated by TLMTI’s Community Intervention Unit in Shahdara, Delhi
TAMIL NADU: The Leprosy Mission Trust India's (TLMTI) Vadathorasalur Hospital and Inclusive Empowerment Project (IEP) in Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, provided specialised leprosy services in a health camp organised by Dr Santhosh Kumar, Block Medical Officer, Thiyagadurugam block, in TLM Vadathorasalur...

TLMTI’s 2019 Annual Report is out
NEW DELHI: For the last 146 years, three Ps have defined the existence of The Leprosy Mission Trust India (TLMTI) – people, purpose, and passion. People give purpose, purpose unites and guides, and passion guides! With this theme, we are...

We are just humbled… and honoured by this recognition
Mr Bhal S. Chakranarayan, Chairman of the Board of Governors, TLMTI (right), receiving the award on behalf of the organisation. NEW DELHI: This day would be written in golden letters in the history of the fight against leprosy in India!...