
A double whammy and double strength to overcome them

The question haunted them many days badgering their every waking hour. “Why us, why us,” they asked themselves a thousand times!
The Leprosy Mission Trust India’s PARTI (Partnerships, Advocacy, Research and Training towards Inclusion) project staff had done a good deal of leprosy awareness programmes in Vadakkupalayam village in Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu. After this, the project set up an information centre and an early intervention centre in the village to help people get timely help when they confront leprosy.

Arif Khan: The joy of having something to look forward to

A Class 10 student in one of the best schools in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, Arif Khan enjoyed life to the hilt. With many friends in school and in his village, he never had a boring moment in life. At home also, he had a gala time with his parents and siblings – he is part of a large family of 12 members.

It was early detection of leprosy that saved Anjalai’s children from disability

It is a proven fact that leprosy is a leading cause of permanent physical disabilities among communicable diseases. But what is the best way to prevent disabilities caused by leprosy? The answer is undoubtedly early detection of the disease and treatment with multidrug therapy (MDT).

A (foot) drop of hope

Dr Amrita Daniel, an orthopaedic surgeon working in TLM Faizabad Hospital, in Uttar Pradesh tells how Chand Ali, a 61-year-old man, who consulted her with leprosy-related foot drop and severe ulcer was brought back to normal life.

Winning is a matter of attitude

Sitting quietly on the hospital bed, he stared into space. The snow-white clouds rolling merrily along the deep blue sky didn’t interest him. The halo of melancholy around him thickened every moment. He turned his gaze to his lap. A tear rolled down his cheek and fell on the open book resting on his lap, smudging his name – Kishan Kumar – written in blue ink.