
Dr Mary Verghese, Executive Director, TLMTI, interviewed by Rajya Sabha TV

Pursuant to the landmark judgement by the Supreme Court of India in the Writ Petition filed by Pankaj Sinha against Union of India and Others (Writ Petition (Civil) No.767 of 2014) for inclusion and rehabilitation of people affected by leprosy, Rajya Sabha TV interviewed Dr Mary Verghese, Executive Director, The Leprosy Mission Trust India (TLMTI) to get her views on this judgement.

A landmark judgement by the Supreme Court of India for inclusion and rehabilitation of people affected by leprosy

In a landmark judgment, the Supreme Court of India, on September 14, issued the following directions in a Writ Petition filed by Pankaj Sinha against Union of India and Others (Writ Petition (Civil) No.767 of 2014) for inclusion and rehabilitation of people affected by leprosy.