The gift of good health through #PureCleanSafeDrinkingWater@ TLM Faizabad
The gift of good health through #PureCleanSafeDrinkingWater@ TLM Faizabad
After much discussion with the staff, the leadership at TLM Faizabad approached Eureka Forbes, India’s leading health and hygiene brand, to sort out the issue of safe drinking water. Understanding the need, the company supplied custom-made reverse osmosis (RO) plant that can purify 500 litres of water in an hour, at a bargain price.
The day of installation of the RO plant was a time of celebration at TLM Faizabad! All – outpatients, inpatients and their attendants; Snehalaya residents; VTC students, staff and their families – are happy, for #PureCleanSafeDrinkingWater was their long-cherished dream!
More than anyone, it’s the TLM Faizabad team – headed by Mr Bino Berry, hospital superintendent, and Mr Keshaba Thanapati, VTC principal – who are happy, as they could fulfil a long-standing need of the people, through donations from the local community and the goodwill of Eureka Forbes.