
Amongst the many children who are diagnosed with leprosy, the case of ten-year-old Shalini is bitterly a common one. She hails from a small village Saidaha, Barabanki district of Uttar Pradesh and is the eldest among her four siblings. Shalini’s disease was only recognized after months of misdiagnosis resulting in the clawing of her fingers of right hand.

Dr. Mercy of the Leprosy Mission Hospital said, “Clawing of hands is a late symptom of leprosy and occurs when damage to the nerves has happened. Reconstructive surgery is the only recourse left. If the surgery is not done on time, it leads to disability”

Shalini is the most keen to study and enjoys going to school. In the evenings, she recounts her lessons of the day with such joy. This joy on his eldest daughter’s face fuels his resolve to support Shalini’s education despite financial hardships. He works as a labourer day and night to make ends meet as he is the sole bread earner in the family.

The doctors at TLMTI Faizabad have already performed one reconstructive surgery of her fingers of right hand,

of her right hand.

We hope you will take up this fight on Shalini’s behalf. We need your help to correct the deformity through reconstructive surgeries and to help her withstand the discrimination she is sure to experience

Through your kindness and compassion, you are making more of a difference than you could possibly imagine.

Please contact us on or call us on +91 120 4077200 or Whatsapp +91-8860071874

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