Amongst many children who are diagnosed with leprosy, the case of 13-year-old Neha is sadly a common one. She was diagnosed with leprosy after her fingers had already deformed due to the disease. As happens with many cases of leprosy in India, Neha’s disease was only recognised after years of misdiagnosis resulting in the clawing of the fingers of her left hand.
Neha informed her parents about the initial anaesthetic patch on the elbow of her left hand. By the time her parents could make sense of what should be done to help her with this, she had developed clawing of her left hand. They first tried to treat it with the doctor available in the village. Nevertheless, when the parents saw no improvement, they approached the Government Hospital for treatment. Doctors discovered that Neha was suffering from leprosy and she was referred to the Leprosy Mission Hospital in Muzaffarpur for reconstructive surgery to correct the deformity.
She is on multi drug treatment but requires the reconstructive surgery to correct deformities and restores the function of the fingers. Imagine losing the ability to use your fingers and to even do the smallest task seem like a big deal to her.
Neha lives in a village in Madhubani district of Bihar with her six siblings. Her father sells vegetables and her mother stays at home.
After intensive counselling and loving re-assurance by our hospital staff, Neha finally started to speak. Tears started to gush from her eyes, her voice choked.
You know there are far too many children like Neha, whose lives have been devastated at a tender age, due to the deformities caused by leprosy.
We request you to come to the help of this family and their child who is hoping for the best despite undergoing the worst. After the surgery, Neha hopes to get back to the school.
The doctors and staff at the Leprosy Mission hospital tried to instil confidence into the heart and mind of Neha filled with a hope. Will you help us guide Neha into that future?
We hope you will take up this fight on Neha’s behalf. We need your help to correct the deformity through reconstructive surgeries and to help her withstand the discrimination he is sure to experience.
Through your kindness and compassion, you are making more of a difference than you could possibly imagine.
Please contact us on or call us on +91 120 4077200 or Whatsapp +91-8860071874