Sumit, a student in the 7th grade, resides in the Chitrakoot district of Uttar Pradesh with his parents and siblings. His father serves as the sole breadwinner through daily wage labour. Frequent trips to the city for the treatment of their small child are financially challenging for this impoverished family.
Last year, Sumit’s mother observed that his fingers were curving inwards, and he had developed some skin patches. They sought the counsel of a private physician, who, after a comprehensive examination, recommended a visit to the Leprosy Mission Hospital in Naini.
Sumit’s family sought the guidance of a Leprosy Mission medical professional, who, upon thorough examination, determined that Sumit required Reconstructive Surgery to correct the deformity in his hand. This procedure involved transferring a healthy tendon to compensate for the impaired one. However, before the operation could take place, he needed to be admitted for a week or longer to undergo intensive physiotherapy. This process involved daily plaster applications and specialized splints, along with instruction in isolation exercises for the donor tendon. The surgery would be performed once therapists deemed him ready.
After the surgery, Sumit will return home with a plaster cast, only to return for post-operative therapy after three weeks. This critical phase spanned 3 to 4 weeks and was essential for restoring functionality to his hand, making it appear nearly “normal” to the untrained eye. During this period, his fingers would be gradually mobilized, he’d learn to use the new muscle-tendon, his joints would be stretched, and he’d regain grip and fist strength.
The Leprosy Mission Trust India primarily depends on charitable contributions to provide vital treatments to patients like Sumit, who come from severely marginalized backgrounds and cannot afford private hospital care. We rely on generous donations, such as yours, to offer Sumit surgery, medication, hospital accommodations, and meals entirely free of charge. Moreover, Leprosy treatment options are limited in most Indian hospitals, making The Leprosy Mission hospitals unique in providing comprehensive healthcare for those affected by leprosy.
In advance, sincere thanks are extended for your generosity today, as any amount you decide to give will significantly contribute to restoring the lives of leprosy patients who face deformity and discrimination in our society.