Building and retaining leprosy expertise
NAINI (UTTAR PRADESH): The Leprosy Mission Trust India (TLMTI) is at the forefront when it comes to building and retaining leprosy expertise. For this, TLMTI trains health professionals from the government and development sectors, in India and abroad, at its Training Unit in Naini, Uttar Pradesh, and other hospitals.
In connection with this, TLMTI’s Training Unit in Naini, Uttar Pradesh has conducted a 5-day certificate course in leprosy for government health professionals, from May 7-11.
In this training programme, eight District Leprosy Officers from Delhi and the Delhi State Leprosy Officer were trained in diagnosis and treatment of leprosy, management of complications, differential diagnosis, eye care in leprosy, medical rehabilitation, and management of National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP).
The training team was led by Dr Loretta Das (Training In-charge) and had Dr Joydeepa Darlong, Dr S. N. Mishra, and Mr G. Babu as members.