Anti-Leprosy Day celebrations in Maharashtra
On the occasion of the Anti-Leprosy Day yesterday (January 30), all TLMTI units in Maharashtra (TLM Kothara hospital, Miraj hospital, Nashik VTC, IHDID project, NLEP-support project) jointly celebrated the day at Nashik VTC, under the aegis of the Directorate of Health Services, Nashik.
Prior to the meeting organised at Nashik VTC, a rangoli competition (featuring messages on leprosy) was organised at the VTC. A total of 19 groups (nursing college students, medical college students, people affected by leprosy, and the general public) took part in the competition.
Winners and the participants were honoured with trophies. At the end of the meeting, the participants took a pledge to make India leprosy-free.
Dr Patten Shetty, Assistant Director, Medical, Nashik, was the chief guest of the programme and he inaugurated the rangoli competition and unveiled Sapna, the mascot of the nationwide leprosy awareness campaign.
Please check out the following link for more photographs: